Agency : BWC
Confidential Description : Records contain medical information, audit reports, medical records, investigatory records, financial statements and the name of BWC, PBM employees, and Injured Workers.
Revision : 0
Record Description : The Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM) Audits are files that consist of spreadsheets, e-mails, audit reports, eligibility documents, medical documents, billing documents, financial documents, reconciliation documents, final closing settlement documents, draft audit reports, appeals (concerning the lack of controls discovered during the audits), and final audit reports. Written Contracts for services, temporary personnel, purchase orders and all related documentation that includes Request for Proposal, invitation to bid and other encumbrances. The statute of limitations dates are set forth pursuant to R.C. 2305.06. • If the contract terminated before 09-28-2005, then the statute of limitations expires 15 years from the date of the contract’s termination. • If the contract terminates between 09-28-2005 to 09-28-2012, then the statute of limitations expires on 9-28-2020 • If the contract terminates between 09-29-2012 to 06-15-2019, then the statute of limitations expires 8 years from the date of the contract’s termination. • If the contract terminates between 06-16-2019 to 06-16-2021, then the statute of limitations expires on 06-16-2027. • For contracts that terminate after 06-16-2021, then the statute of limitations expires six years from the date of the contract’s termination. Retention Justification for Paper and Electronic Media O.R.C. 2305.06 For BWC’s retention schedule, the audit and related documents that pertain to this schedule must be retained for one year past the termination of the contract statute of limitations as set forth above.