Revision : 4
Record Description : The paper series of any discipline, issue or WOC case may include of a grievance appeal sheet and grievance form from the grievant, OCB computerized I.D. sheet, agency Step 3 answer, copy of OCB Step 4 answer, certified receipt and return reply card, and arb. request from union. Other documentation may include witness interviews, termination reviews and other data pertinent to the case. Settled cases contain a copy of the settlement signed by grievant or his union rep and OCB. Withdrawn cases contain a copy of the settlement signed by grievant or his union rep and OCB. Expired cases contain documentation signed by OCB verifying expiration of time lines. The electronic series consists of a grievance form from the grievant, agency and/or Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) response(s) and applicable closing paperwork and other attachments added by the grievant and agency responders.