Revision : 10
Record Description : Any audio and/or video recordings made for administrative or operational purposes including, but not limited to, telephone calls, radio transmissions, interviews or interrogations, in-car or body-worn camera footage, training footage, etc. There are three (3) categories of audio/visual recordings: 1) Routine audio recordings of phone and radio transmissions will be held for ninety (90) days; routine audio/video recordings and dash cam footage not used in a court case are to be retained for one hundred eighty (180) days, (with the exception of security videos which are retained only thirty (30) days); and training videos will be retained as needed, then purged/deleted provided they are no longer of administrative value. 2) Evidentiary audio and/or video recordings used in case investigations or court proceedings are to be retained for two (2) years or until criminal, civil, and/or administrative proceedings are complete, whichever is longer, then destroyed provided they are no longer of administrative or historical value. 3) Non-evidentiary audio and/or video recordings of major incidents, including recordings that are subpoenaed, are to be retained until criminal, civil, and/or administrative proceedings are complete, then destroyed provided they are no longer of administrative value. Retention justification for audio/visual recordings are as follows: The ninety (90) day and one hundred eighty (180) day retention periods will allow enough time for requests for public records and administrative reviews. The two year retention is for litigation purposes. The thirty (30) day retention period for security videos is the maximum time allowed due to limited server space. There are many other situations involving audio and video recordings where there may be a need to retain certain recordings longer than the established retention schedule. Court proceedings may be indefinite, or in some instances, recordings may be retained permanently for historical value and/or training purposes.