Revision : 1
Record Description : Application for Employment Bid Folders contain all records collected and generated as part of the Department''s hiring and pre-employment processes including (as applicable to the position): applications/resumes and supporting documents, e.g., educational transcripts/diplomas, military discharge, and character/professional references; pre-employment questionnaires; criminal history checks; backgrounds and background checks; polygraph reports; applicant waivers for release of information; medical records, e.g. physician reports, medical histories, and medical screenings; completed pre-employment screening tools/reports; recruiting materials; position postings/ letters of inquiry; interview materials; certification lists; and hiring recommendation.
If an applicant is rejected for hire, all records remain in the "Application for Employment Bid Folder." Records for rejected DPS - OSHP/OIU applicants are forwarded to OSHP Central Records. Records for other DPS rejected applicants are retained by DPS/HRM. Records shall be retained in accordance with the retention period established in this schedule and may be transferred to, and retained in, the ODPS Record Center.
If an applicant is approved for hire, his/her application/resume and supporting documents are retained in HRM in accordance with "Employee Personnel File" SAN 760-1288. Backgrounds and background checks, criminal history checks, and polygraphs conducted for employment, are retained separately in accordance with "Backgrounds (background checks) for Employment" SAN 760-0788 and "Polygraphs for Employment" SAN 760-0773; and medical records for OSHP applicants collected during pre-employment are retained in the OSHP Health and Wellness section, in accordance with "OSHP Medical Records" SAN 760-1443.
Note: This record retention schedule also applies to OSHP auxiliary member applicant records.