Revision : 5
Record Description : File includes supporting documentation for the following bank accounts; Gross Revenue Account and Bank Cashing Account held by the Lottery's vendor bank and three (3) Star Ohio Accounts. Supporting documentation for the Gross Revenue account with the Lottery's current vendor bank includes but is not limited to; Ohio Lottery Commission Daily Investments and Reconciliation forms, Ohio Lottery Commission Daily Gross Fund Transaction Register, Treasurer of State Daily Receipts, Disbursements and Balances, Weekly Revenue Receipts and Holding Account Redistribution Form, a copy of vendor bank's monthly Statement including debit and credit slips and other miscellaneous supporting documentation. Supporting documentation for the Bank Cashing account with the Lottery's current vendor bank includes but is not limited to Ohio Lottery Commission Daily Bank Cashing Reconciliation Form, Ohio Lottery Commission Daily Authorization Receipt Slips and a copy of the vendor bank's monthly statement including debit and credit slips. Supporting documentation for the Star Ohio accounts include but are not limited to; one (1) Star Ohio Daily Account Activity Statement and two (2) Star Ohio Monthly Account Activity Statements.