Revision : 1
Record Description : Documentation of the location, extent and characteristics of National Highway System (NHS) Intermodal Connectors (are a subset of the NHS and are public roads leading to major intermodal terminals [airport, port facility, Amtrak station, rail/truck terminal intercity bus terminal, public transit or multi-modal passenger terminal, pipeline terminal or ferry terminal]. The NHS connectors link the highway backbone of the NHS to other modes of transport at their terminal, creating a national intermodal freight system and enabling more efficient use of all freight modes.)and Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET) Highways (STRAHNET includes highways which are important to the United States strategic defense policy and which provide defense access, continutity and emergency capabilities for the movement of personnel, materials and equipment in both peacetime and war time.)
The National Highway System (NHS) is a network of nationally significant highways approved by Congress in the National Highway System Desgination Act of 1995. It includes the Interstate System and nearly 114,000 miles of arterial and other roads and connectors to major intermodal terminals.